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A Call to Support Ukraine

We are joining with Phantom creator Sal Velluto to put out the call out for other artists to draw something original, and sell the original with the money going to Unicef.  Artists, if you want to participate, please contact us.


We will post artwork as it comes up. To reserve the art, it will be first in best dressed. Reserve by email only ( If any artists would like to do another video with us promoting your piece, also contact us. All phunds go to Unicef.


The process:

  • The artist creates the work

  • The artist sends a scan of the artwork to CC

  • We promote the art on our website and socials

  • Someone reserves the art or we sell it by a Phaffle (raffle)

  • The buyer sends Chronicle Chamber the money via PayPpal after confirmation OR we hold a raffle with people sending money into reserve a ticket.

  • Chronicle Chamber sends the money to Unicef in the buyers name

  • The artist sends the art to the buyer

  • Chronicle Chamber pays for the postage of the art to the winner.


As some phans will know, 2020 we did a bushfire phundraiser book and we all together raised over $25,000. This is NOT a book but just a call out for artists to help support Ukraine.


All details, plus images of the donations and any further communications with artists can be found here.


You can email us at

Recent Phantom Happenings

Gallery of the Donated Art by Artists

A huge thanks must go to each artist who has donated art and their time. Without them we are unable to do this. Please make sure you thank every artist. From everyone at Chronicle Chamber we thank not only the artists but also the buyers who are donating their money to Unicef which will make life a little bit bearable for some children from Ukraine caught up in this horrible war. 

Donated by Sal Velluto - SOLD
Donated by Camillo Di Pietrantonio - SOLD
Donated by Antonio Lemos - SOLD
Donated by Jamie Johnson - SOLD
Donated by Lennart Moberg
Donated by Daniel Picciotto - SOLD
Donated by Heiner Bade
Donated by Matt Kyme
Donated by Percy Ochoa - SOLD
Donated by Sal Velluto
Donated by Lennart Moberg
Donated by Lennart Moberg - SOLD
Donated by Lennart Moberg - SOLD
Donated by Lennart Moberg - SOLD
Donated by Charles Paul Wilson III - SOLD
Donated by Joe Rubinstein - To Be Sold
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Tally of Donated Money to Unicef by Phans & Artists: $4,650 AU

Thanks to the following phans who have donated money either by buying the above pieces or by participating in the phaffles.

​Daniel Brogna, Michael Cavanagh, Trevor Clark, Sean Bassett, Robert Cheek, Bradley Peach, Tim Duffy, Swaroop Chand, Pete Goosselink, Dan Fraser, Nick Moles, Sanctum Books, Chris Walker, Jon Cookson, Terry Krahe, Paul Moloney, Thomas Askjellerud, Gary Horne, Michael Rowe, Adam Williams, Sam Allen, Jo Ellul, Jamie Johnson, Michael Cavanagh, Jeff Frandeka, Sam Allen, Duncan Munro, Robert Cheek, Jimmy James, Phillip Luppino, Carlyle Seers, Chris Sherlock, Seuj Abir, Thorsten Bruemmel, Thomas Braes, Holly

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This website is funded and run by phans from around the world. The opinions on this website are not associated with the licensed publishers or the owners of the Phantom.

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