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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #186 - Moonstone & Team Fantomen Writer Ben Raab

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

We are joined by past Phantom Team Fantomen & Moonstone writer, Ben Raab who wrote 23 Phantom stories over a decade between 1999 and 2009.

Some of his stories include the popular "The Spear of Destiny" saga, "The Hero", "The Invisible Phantom" which won Norwegian best story in 2001, the first team we see Kit and Heloise as the joint 22nd Phantom in "The First Assignment" for Team Fantomen.

After Egmont he wrote several classic stories for Moonstone including the first two graphic novels "The Ghost Killer" and "The Singh Web" which was his adaption of the 1996 movie along with classic stories exploring the mythos of the Phantom in "Curse of the Phantom", "The Aviatrix" and "Legacy".

Eager phans may know that Ben Raab has been making waves in Hollywood since with writing credits for "Warehouse 13", "Flash", "Arrow" and currently "Legacies". So obviously we end the podcast talking about how he would write a Phantom TV show series.

One of the questions we ask is could the Phantom exist being a hero in Africa in a TV show with a possible white saviour label being used against him? Ben also tells us how he would write a Phantom TV show.

As always the video will show slides, art examples and props as we discuss the Phantom. The audio only version is attached if you prefer that method. Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.

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