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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #176 - With Tim Boyle Writer of the 2010 "The Phantom Legacy" Movie

Writer: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

This is a podcast you do not want to miss out on listening to and watch. We had the honour to interview Timothy Boyle (Boiling Point Pictures & On Halloween) who was the writer for a Phantom feature film that almost made it into production in 2010.

In preparation of podcast we where able to read the fifth draft of the script. If you are a patreon supporter of the $5 level or more you will have been given access to read this script.

The movie was titled "The Phantom Legacy".

What follows is a two hour discussion on the film that never was. We discussed everything about the plot, his meetings with KFS, writers and his time in Hollywood. Perhaps the biggest two questions which we also ask are who was close to playing the Phantom in this movie and why did the movie get cancelled?

This is a podcast not to be missed.

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