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X-Band: Phantom Podcast #299B - January 2025 Comics Review

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

We are padding out our episodes as we want to release our 300th podcast with the Phantom's birthday. This will be 299B where we discuss the latest comics from around the world including Australia, USA, Sweden and Germany. Unfortunately due to the Frew 2025 Annual being delayed, we will be doing a 299C episode in a weeks time for the annual. We may have stolen the A and B issues from Frew but they never had a C issue lol.

We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.

If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.

Australia (Frew Comics)

  • Frew #1986: 6 Minutes

    • "The Breakout" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley

    • "Dungeons Undone" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley

    • "The Journey Home" by Tony DePaul, Mike Manley, Bret Blevins, and Jeff Weigel

  • Frew #1987: 22 Minutes

    • "The Island of Rada Mandi" by unknown Fratelli Spada creator, Giorgio Cambiotti, and Lamberto Lombardi

    • "A Madman in the Jungle" (Prose Story) by unknown Fratelli Spada creator

    • "The Disappearance of Karina" by unknown Fratelli Spada creator, Giorgio Cambiotti, and Lamberto Lombardi

    • "The Flood" (Prose Story) by unknown Fratelli Spada creator

USA (Mad Cave Studios)

  • Defenders of the Earth #4: 47 Minutes & 30 Seconds

    • Whiplash” by Dan DiDio and Jim Calafiore

Sweden (Fantomen)

  • Fantomen 25&26-2024: 57 Minutes

    • "Resan hem" ("The Journey Home") by Tony DePaul, Mike Manley, Bret Blevins, and Jeff Weigel

    • "Tågligan" ("The Train Gang") by Donne Avenell and César Spadari

    • "Mörkrets väktare" ("Guardian of the Eastern Dark") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

Germany (Zauberstern and Zack)

  • Zauberstern #16: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes & 30 Seconds

    • "Gefahr in der verbotenen Stadt (Teil 3)" ("Duel in the Skies") by Peter David and Sal Velluto

    • "Gefahr in der verbotenen Stadt (Teil 4)" ("Free Fall") by Peter David and Sal Velluto

    • "Python schlägt zu" ("Justice for the Python") by Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan

    • "Insel des Grauens" ("Crocco Island West") by Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan

  • Phantom Spezial #1: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes & 30 Seconds

    • "Woduros Geheimnis" ("Woduro's Secret") by Claes Reimerthi and Graham Nolan

    • "Das Löwenkopfäffchen" ("The Lion's Head Tamarine") by Claes Reimerthi and Graham Nolan

  • Zack #1:  1 Hour, 9 Minutes & 30 Seconds

    • "Die verschwundenen Base Jumper" ("Captured from Above") by Bernd Frenz and Janusz Ordon

    • "Gefährliche Wasser" ("Dangerous Waters") by Bernd Frenz and Janusz Ordon

You can email us at or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world.

Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.


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