Jermayn Parker and Dan Fraser are joined by two guests as we look at one of the unsung heroes of Frew Publications in Peter Champan. The two guests who join us are Jeremy MachPerson and Daniel Best two budding detectives in realm of Australian comics. In this podcast you will learn all about Peter Chapman.
Did you also know that he created over 400 comics and created artwork from the late 1940's all the way until the 2000's? That is nearly 60 years of professional work behind him. No wonder many see him as the grandfather of the comics scene in Australia.
In this podcast you will learn about his process of creating a comic including creating the comic (cover, script and art) inside a week. How to spot which Phantom cover he drew including the fact that he drew the first 7x Giant Size issues from the 1950's.
For more information and for those who prefer to read, you may find this article written by Kevin Patrick useful (Article link) plus an article on some censoring work in a Frew comic that may be drawn by Peter Chapman.
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