Even to non-Swedes this vote is important since it gives Team Fantomen and Egmont's editorial staff information about what type of stories you want to read in future issues.
These days most Team Fantomen stories show up in Frew in Australia. Publishers from around the world are also more than likely to pick up a story that has won a Best Story award or polled well.
2022 gave us many good stories to chose from. Some of my personal highlights of 2022 are:
Frew published series like "Saga of the Vultures", "Femme Fatale", "The Outlaws" and the 2 last parts of the "Hero Complex" trilogy.
Even the Team Fantomen reprints where of great quality, including the 1987 winner of best story "The King is Dead" - could it win again? We also received several Newspaper stories both old and new in varying quality.
However I would bet my money on one of the 9 new Team Fantomen stories of the year, it will be fun to see which story the readers fancy the most!
How to vote?
Click here to go to Fantomen.org. If you use Google Chrome you can right click and choose 'Translate To English' and follow the prompts.
The last date to vote is 1st of April and the result will be published in Fantomen 10-11/2023.
As an extra thank you and incentive to vote, Team Fantomen are raffling away 10 Fantomen Ondskans Nemesis books (review of the book here). From past experiences they do post prizes to overseas phans including Australia.
As soon as we hear word about Fantomen's annual Best Cover vote, we will let you know!
