Majority of phans are excited about the Phantom video game being released soon and today there has been some major updates and announcements being made.
Unfortunately due to some unforeseen circumstances the release date has been pushed back slightly. What this means is that it will now be 11th March 2025 when the game is available to be purchased and played digitally. The phans will be able to buy digitally via Steam, Nintendo Store and Playstation Store. For those who pre ordered, you will get your codes to be able to be played and the physical game cases will be mailed out.
In better news, the physical pre orders will be available for pre order before the end of February 2025 which is an earlier release date than first slated. This will include the standard and collectors edition.
Perhaps the best exciting news is that 24th February 2025 TWO weeks before it is available to play, the first THREE levels of the game will be available via Steam. Talk about a way to tease us phans and hopefully get a number of the fence sitters hooked onto the game.
For those fans who live outside Australia, USA and other countries that feature your Phantom in red, blue etc, 7th June 2025 will be the release of a FREE DLC. More details on this to come.