X-Band: The Phantom Podcast Episode 207 saw the Phellas hosting a Phantom Quiz as a phun way to finish the year off. No spoilers here as to who won, so go and have a watch/ listen and see if you can beat our inaugural Chronicle Chamber Quiz Champion.
Following on from the recording of the podcast we opened the quiz up for all phans. Over the past week over 60 phans tested their Phantom (and Chronicle Chamber) knowledge. Below is a brief summary of how they went, what questions they found difficult and what areas everyone blitzed.
Round One: The Newspaper

As the title suggests, this round tested phans' knowledge of the Newspaper strip, since its inception til today. 55 phans provided an answer for question 1 but this dropped to 41 by question 10.
Of those who answered 87% were able to identify Sy Barry's handiwork, whereas only 71% were able to identify Wilson McCoy's. The real stumpers for this round were questions 4 and 6, "In which story Bangalla first shown to be in Africa?" and "What are the start and end dates for Sy Barry's time on the Phantom daily strip?", with only 25% and 26% getting the correct answer.
Round 2: Publishers

On average, 39 phans attempted the questions regarding worldwide publishers of the Phantom. This round really tested phans' mettle with 2 most correct answers, questions 1 (What is date of the first Frew issue?) and 9 (which of the big 2 - DC / Marvel published a standalone Phantom comic first?) only cracking 63% and 59% respectfully.
The real stumpers in this round both related to Frew. Only 32% of those who answered knew what the first issue published by "The Frew Crew" was and 33% could tell us the year that Frew #1000 was published.
Round 3: Chronicle Chamber
This was our self indulgent round where we tested your knowledge on Chronicle Chamber history. 38 phans answered questions in this round with most (69%) knowing what the P3 is. The 2nd most correct answer saw 47% of phans knowing who Joe's first guest on the podcast was.
Questions 5 and 10 were the stumpers in this round. 22% of those who answered knew (or guessed correctly) who first signed of with our now Happy Phantoming and 24% knew which episode the December 2021 Comics and News podcast was.
Round 4: Random
To finish off the quiz, we had a random round where questions could come from any category and to add a bit more excitement, the answer time was halved from 20 to 10 seconds. This round saw our most correct answer with 94% of those who attempted this round knowing the name of the 1980s cartoon that featured The Phantom. 66% were able to get questions 5, 9 and 10 correct - Which company recently released a Jungle Patrol hat and Beanie?, Which Phamous Phan is the quote "Things are Hotting up!" attributed to? and What is Lee Falk's longest running Sunday story.

The big stumper for this round was question 6 with only 8 phans knowing who composed the film score for the 1996 The Phantom movie.
So how did you go? Would the stumpers have stumped you?
Thank you to all who participated in the quiz, we hope that you had as much fun as we did running it. Congratulations to the top 10.
Indian 30,477
Seuj 28,464
Mase 25,934
Marcus 24,579
Callum 22,748
Oyvind 22,448
PhantomCaveRev 21,696
Erma 19,465
DanB 18,449
Glaucio 18,395