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The Phantom Express Riding in the Qld 2024 Variety Bash

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

Australians love fund raising and one of the more unique fund raisers is the annual Variety Bash which is where you dress up cars with themes and go on a bush adventure with mates and on the way raise funds to make a difference in the lives of kids in need. Every state in Australia has their annual bash.

The Phantom Express is a Phantom themed car and has been participating in the Queensland Variety Bash for 6 of the last 7 years. In 2024, they will be driving from Emerald to the Gold Coast via Lightning Ridge between the dates of 12-22 August 2024. You can follow the event at the QLD Variety Bash website.

According to our brains trust the vehicle is a circa 1978-79 F100 Ford truck fitted with an ambulance body and of course is fitted with a PhanFare lifesize bust on the roof. You can follow The Phantom Express' adventures from their Facebook page.

On their trips, judging by their Facebook page, they get up to a lot of phun. On their 2024 Variety Bash they are giving away a Phantom theme show bag to the kids which you can see below. The only thing that we think is missing is a Frew comic - what an opportunity for Frew to connect and hook some of the next generation of phans.

The Phantom Express team has a total goal of $100,000 that they want to raise -Chronicle Chamber has donated and we recommend other phans donate as well.

Your donation to their Bash car is used immediately by Variety – the Children’s Charity to deliver grants of equipment and services, Variety Heart Scholarships, programs and experiences to kids who need it most.

With your support, more kids who are sick, disadvantaged or living with a disability can get the assistance they need to unleash their full potential.



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