As posted on this website many times, many Phantom phans have been waiting all their lives for a decent articulated Phantom figure. We published a detailed post about all figures available about this time last year in anticipation of the NECA Defenders of the Earth line (released in the USA February 2021), as well as the Boss Fight Studios toy due out later this year.
It has taken a while but finally the NECA figure is available throughout the globe, and each member of the team at Chronicle Chamber is now delighted to be the proud owners of a 7" articulated Phantom figure - albeit one without the striped pants!
Unfortunately, most of us have heard the stories about the dangers inherent in opening the NECA toy, with disaster stories of broken limbs and frozen joints. While it all looks very promising in the box, it seems that the quality control down at NECA headquarters is not what it might be, and none of us want to break our new toy as we get it out of the packaging and ready to play with!
To that end, we present to you a series of YouTube videos that shows the you everything you should do after bringing it home from the store and posing him on the collectables shelf, capped with a thorough review of the final product.
To start off with, we present an unboxing of the figurine by Dan Fraser and then the bath by Ankit Mitra.