In Fantomen issue 10-11/2022 the best Fantomen story of 2021 was announced and as always it brings up some interesting results. As per usual we would love to hear your thoughts on the voting.
The winner this year is "Devil's Story" written by Donne Avenell and drawn by Georges Bess.
This is the 5th time this story wins Sweden Fantomen best story, this is truly unprecedented and might be the best Phantom story of all times.
Second place as voted by the phans is "The True Singh Brotherhood", by Andreas Eriksson and Janusz Ordon.
Third place and the top Frew story is "Requiem" by Pidde Andersson and Wendell Cavalcanti.
You can listen to our thoughts about the best 2021 stories in X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #209 here.
Other interesting notes:
13 stories did not receive a vote
Only one Lee Falk story was voted in the top 10
Here are the full results:
