Presenting the review of the 2024 Fantomen hardcover book featuring stories of the fan favourite Lady Kate Sommerset aka The Pirate Queen. This book is printed with a dust jacket, a beautiful cover by Henrik Sahstrom and contains 450 pages in total including editorial pages on the two creators David Bishop and Cesar Spadari.
This book contains a mammoth 14 stories:
"Klosteröns hemlighet" ("Convent Island") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Piratdrottningen" ("The Pirate Queen") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Älskade pirat" ("My Darling Pirate") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Piratdrottningens son" ("Son of the Pirate Queen") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Stupad i strid" ("Death of a Phantom") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Av samma blod" ("Of the Same Blood") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Dödskallehalsbandet" ("Son of the Pirate Queen, Part 1: The Skull Necklace") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Kungligt villebråd" ("Son of the Pirate Queen, Part 2: The Royal Target") by David Bishop and Joan Boix
"Dödsgudinnan" ("Son of the Pirate Queen, Part 3: The Goddess of Death") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Destination Haiti" by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Gamla synder - Första delen" ("Sins of the Past, Part 1") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Gamla synder - Andra delen" ("Sins of the Past, Part 2") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"Den nya abbedissan" ("The New Abbess") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
"En piratdrottnings död" ("Death of a Pirate Queen") by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari
Thank you to Ivan Pedersen for his review. Most fans will know his work as a colourist for various worldwide publishers including Frew, Zauberstern, Fantomet and Comic Revue. You can follow his work at his Facebook group and or watch/listen to his X-Band: The Phantom Podcast Episode #241.. If you would to write, review and or participate with Chronicle Chamber, please email us at