Review by our youngest ever reviewers. A huge thanks to Olivia (11), Jacob (9) and Louis (5). They have done a great job and let us hope we see more reviews from them and other younger Phantom phans. They are the future of the Phantom.
Our final score and thoughts on the new Iron Studio Statue is 8/10.
The box looks fantastic with two awesome images of the Phantom on either side of the box with his wolf Devil.
The statue comes in three pieces which ensures it is packed safely and is really well done. The foot pegs are magnetic and mostly go together well.
Unfortunately Devil's foot doesn't sit flush and the base and the fake plant gets in the way when you're putting Devil on the base and probably would have been better without it.
There's also a grey-ish tinge to the Phantom's face and overall statue. Whether or not that was by design, the overall statue looks dusty in appearance.
Bonus points given for the design of the belt, the rings and the Good Mark clearly visible on the gun handles.
Jacob's highlights are the detail of the statue including the guns and rings. Louis' highlight is Devil, he looks cool.
Lastly this statue is expensive. We would've preferred the cost to be below $300 but overall a great licenced statue worth of being in any Phantom phans collection.
Have you brought the statue? What are your thoughts?