I love hardcover collections and in 2022 we saw some great editions from France and Sweden. What some phans may not know is that Mythos from Brazil released three hardcover collections that look great in any phans collection.
I was lucky enough to get a hold of each volume and hear is my review of them. In this review is the Ray Moore and Sy Barry Omnibus volumes with volume three now out in pre order and a Fratelli Spada collection.
It must be mentioned that Chronicle Chamber would prefer that someone from Brazil is able to review all Mythos comics. If you are able to help us and review upcoming releases - please let us know.
The prices for the Sy Barry and Ray Moore omnibus' are:
RRP (250BR, $75AU & $50US)
Current price on the Mythos website (170BR, $50AU & $35US)
Pre order price on the third volume (150BR, $45AU & $30US)
The price for the Grandes Aventuras (Fratelli Spada) collection is:
RRP (120BR, $35AU & $25US)
Current special price on the Mythos website (85BR, $25AU & $18US)
Please note that postage from Mythos interstate is very hard and your best option is to find a phan and do some trades. Postage costs will be a lot with the omnibus' are 1.3KGs each and the Fratelli Spada book is 900g.
The theme's of all three books are great. The shiny covers for the omnibus' are eye catching and could be something Hermes could look at doing.
The quality of the reproduction of the strips are poor in the Ray Moore volume and obviously they did not use from past Frew and Hermes publications and used from past Brazilian comics. What is interesting is that they did not separate stories by an introductory or commentary or even a Brazilian past comic between each story.
The Sy Barry omnibus has a great article by Glaucio Cardoso. It would have been nice to see something similar in the Ray Moore omnibus. The Fratelli Spada collection book also has it by Glaucio and it really adds something extra to the book.
Many of the Fratelli Spada stories have not been published outside of Europe so it is great for a wider audience to see these stories as many have great artwork by natural talents like Germano Ferri and Senio Pratesi. Those with eager eyes would know that Germano Ferri penciled and worked on many stories with Felmang.
I would like to see Frew do more Fratelli Spada stories in a hardcover collection like this. These books along with the others from 2022 by Egmont and France really raise the bar that I would like to see Frew and Hermes pick up their quality and exceed the bar.
Have you brought these books for yourself? What are your thoughts?