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Review of the Jungle Patrol Hat & Beanie from Reapers Quest

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

After initially announced back in May 2021, the Chronicle Chamber team has their Jungle Patrol hat and beanie and have washed, worn and fully tested them to bring to you a detailed review.

One question we have heard been asking is would these beanies keep your head warm in the Scandinavian winter. While the Australian winter is nothing on the Scandinavian winter we did our best to try and find out.

Dan Fraser took his out camping and Stephen East wore his in the Ballarat winter. It has been tested in sub 0 degrees, worn in the Australian winter and bush and then washed after the wives got a hold of it.

Have you purchased either a hat or beanie? Will you be? Tell us your thoughts on the Jungle Patrol beanie and hat.


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