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Review of Mad Cave Studios 'Defenders of the Earth' crossover story in Flash Gordon Quarterly #2

Writer: Scott WaldynScott Waldyn

Mad Cave Studios Flash Gordon Quarterly #2 was originally published 18 December 2024 and is included on our Chronicle Chamber Phantom fan platform because it includes a crossover story into the Defenders of the Earth multiverse. This issue may include some clues on what we will come to see in issue #5 onwards.

Have you been following the series and what are your thoughts on what is happening with the Phantom? Please note, issue 5 comes out in March 2025.

Credits for the issue are:

Title: "Dale's Story: A Flash Gordon Defenders of the Earth tale" Writer: Dan DiDio Artist: Stefan Simeone Colourist: Mark Englert Letterer: Buddy Beaudoin Editor: Chas! Pangburn

The synopsis: In another universe, we dive deeper into Dale’s final moments in Defenders of the Earth and her evolution into the digital being known as Dynac X.

This issue does not feature the Phantom but is within the universe of our Defenders of the Earth and perhaps holds some clues not only on the bad guy we will see present himself but also a solution on the Phantom's dilemma with him actually being the Ghost Who Walks.

It helps add to Dale Arden back story of being trapped in the Dynac X machine which is slightly different from the original TV show.

We would recommend you checking our platforms as we have published three interviews with the creator team for the series in Dan DiDio the writer, Jim Calafiore the illustrator and Chas! Pangburn the editor. You can also watch our mid series review of the Defenders of the Earth comic series on our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast Episode #297.

A huge shout out to our newest reviewer Scott Waldyn from USA who will reviewing Phantom comics from USA. You can follow him from his Instagram and or website.

All Mad Cave Studios comics and other comic reviews will be included in our monthly X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts. You can find out more at our website and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos and reviews.


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