We review the third volume off the Hermes DC collection which is another top quality production from Hermes who have history in producing top quality collection books.
This book includes the following stories:
"Trains" by Mark Verheiden and Luke McDonnell (original published in Issue #9)
"Blind" by Mark Verheiden and Luke McDonnell (original published in Issue #10)
"Famine" by Mark Verheiden and Luke McDonnell (original published in Issue #11)
"Framed, Part 1" by Mark Verheiden and Luke McDonnell (original published in Issue #12)
"Framed, Part 2" by Mark Verheiden and Luke McDonnell (original published in Issue #13)
Backing up majority of Hermes reprint hardcover collection books are interviews and this one features a long Lee Falk interview by Spike Barkin. I myself learnt plenty of new intriguing facts reading the interview and was almost worth the purchase of the book alone.
If you like these DC stories we recommend you listening to interviews from our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast.
All reviews will be included in our monthly X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts. You can find out more at our website and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.
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