Mikael Lyck from Chronicle Chamber reviews two issues of the Fantomen comics featuring the following stories:
Contents from Fantomen 4/2023:
"Kit & Katya" by Philip Madden and Janusz Ordon
Contents from Fantomen 5/2023:
"De vandödas näste" ("Nest of the Undead") by Pidde Andersson and Joan Boix
Cover by Janusz Ordon. Have you noticed that there seems to be a larger range of cover artists for Fantomen 2023?
In this story Kit has a romance in the Himalaya's with Katya, a daughter to a Russian criminal. As mentioned in the editorial part of this issue the editorial team have been in contact with Tony DePaul during the creation of this story to make sure it does not create any inconsistencies with Tony's plans for the future.
It is another situation of the two creative teams working together to bring some unity.
Fantomen 5/2023 features an amazing cover by Luca Erbetta.
"De vandödas näste" ("Nest of the Undead") by Pidde Andersson and Joan Boix was first published in Frew 1902 in 2021. It feels very much like a Fantomen created story.
Presented in black and white we learn how a small village gets terrorised by none other than Dracula. The Phantom gets there and starts to investigate the mysterious circumstances. Do you like the story presented in black and white?
Side comic is Kriss of Valnor which seems like a Thorgal spin off. Did the Fantomen readers like it?
Preview of the next issue includes the second part of the Belle Epoque suite. A late Lee Falk, George Olesen and Keith Williams strip and a new side comic.
Until next time, Happy Phantoming!
All Fantomen reviews will be included in our monthly X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts. You can find out more at our website and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.