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Review of Fantomen 2022/22-23

Writer's picture: Mikael LyckMikael Lyck

Mikael Lyck from Chronicle Chamber reviews the latest Fantomen issue - 2022/22-23 which features the following story:

  • "Saga of the Vultures Chapter Two: The First Vulture" by Pidde Andersson & Anthony Spay

  • "The King is dead!" by Norman Worker & Kari Leppänen

  • "An Evening in the Jungle" by Jimmy Wallin & Anna Weatherly

Grim cover depicting the first Vulture by Henrik Sahlström on this double issue.

On the editorial page there is some text about the Gothenburg book fair, with images of Robert Aman (a future podcast guest), Pidde Andersson and Sture Hegerfors.

The main story is the second part of the Saga of the Vultures created by Pidde Andersson and Anthony Spay, first published in Frew #1887, this part really goes in to the origin of the Vultures and the founder of the Vultures, awesome stuff again following the great first part in the last issue. And again such a great colouring! Even Anthony Spay was impressed with them.

The non Phantom backup story, is the second and concluding part of the Libertalia comic, it is ok, but I enjoy the Red Pirate a bit more I think.

Followed up by a short 3 page story written by Jimmy Wallin, I believe this is his second short Phantom story, art done by Anna Weatherly. I really enjoy the concept of Phantoms World and think it is great to get something that reminds of that again.

Ending things in this double special comic off is a reprint of a classic Team Fantomen story from 1987 "The King is Dead!" written by Norman Worker and art by Kari Leppänen. A historic story about the Phantoms whereabouts during the assassination of the Swedish king in 1792. It is great to see it in colour.

There is also a spread about the clothes the king wore in real life when he got shot.

Preview of the next issue: The last part of the Saga of the Vultures and the daily story Jungle Mystery, that has not yet been published in Fantomen.

Until next time, Happy Phantoming!

We recommend watching/listing to our X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts with both Pidde Andersson (#224) and Anthony Spay (#188) as we discuss the Vultures Origin saga in both podcasts.

All Fantomen reviews will be included in our monthly X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts. You can find out more at our website and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.


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