Every year since 1944 in Sweden there has been a Fantomen Christmas album which makes it the longest ongoing publication of the Phantom throughout the whole world.
Today I review the 2020 Fantomen Christmas album and the latest Softcover Album which is the sixth in the series. The concept originally came from Norway in 2014. Each year there is a theme - past themes have been The Wedding Anniversary, Pirates and Noir. In the past the Softcover Album was released at the Gootenburg Fair.
You can purchase these at the following websites:
Contents for the Fantomen 2020 Christmas Album
"Juveltjuvarna" ("The Crime Apprentices") by Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan
"De försvunna katakomberna" ("The Ossuary") by Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan
"Fantomens värld" ("Phantoms World")
Facsimile of the Fantomen 1970 Christmas Album which included:
"Den sköna häxan" ("Venus of the Jungle") by Angelo Todaro
"Von Burgers sista safari" ("A Strange Hunter") by Lamberto Lombardi
Contents for the Fantomen 2020 Softcover Album
"Repfolket" ("The Rope People") by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy
"Devils hämnd" ("Tale of Devil") by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy
"Oxgudens mysterium" ("The Epidemic") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
"Krig i djungeln" ("The Mysterious Ambassador") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
"Bergsfärden" by Jacob Habinc and Janusz Ordon
These reviews of the two albums will be included in the next X-Band: The Phantom Podcast. Ensure you subscribe so you do not miss out on an episode.