The Defenders of the Earth TPB is a 2024 release that contains the material originally published by Star Comics originally back in 1987. The four part comic book series featured King Features characters "Flash Gordon", "The Phantom", and "Mandrake the Magician" with the stories based from the TV series.
List of stories included in the TPB
"Defenders of the Earth" by Stan Lee, Bob Harras, Alex Saviuk and Fred Fredericks
"Creation" by Michael Higgins, Alex Saviuk, and Fred Fredericks
"Family Honor" by Michael Higgins, Alex Saviuk, and Fred Fredericks
"Magical Child" by Michael Higgins, Alex Saviuk, and Fred Fredericks
The price for this issue is $9.99US and can be brought from Mad Cave Studios website, most online retailers and local comic stores.