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Results of the Best Fantomen Story of 2022

Writer: Mikael LyckMikael Lyck

In Fantomen issue 10-11/2023 the best Fantomen story of 2022 was announced and as always it brings up some interesting results. As per usual we would love to hear your thoughts on the voting and results on our socials.

The winner of the best Fantomen story for 2022 is "Saga of the Vultures Chapter One: The Haunted Castle" written by Pidde Andersson and drawn by Anthony Spay.

This is the first time a Frew created story and the first time either Pidde Andersson and Anthony Spay has won the best Fantomen story title as voted by the phans.

Tied for second place was two Team Fantomen stories, the reprint of the "Resputin's Puzzle" written by Idi Kharelli, with art by Georges Bess and the story titled "En prins i Almedalen" by Mikael Sol and Kim W. Andersson. "Rasputin's Puzzle" was last published by Frew in issue #1705 (2014) - "En prins i Almedalen" has not yet been published outside of Sweden.

The best newspaper story was "Vigil at Phantom Head" by Tony DePaul and Jeff Weigel, it got a 6th place. Regal (issue #25) and Frew (issue #1934) has also published this story before.

The amazing thing which we want to highlight is that 442 people voted, which is an outstanding number and is the highest amount of phan votes post Internet and for over 30 years!

It would be great to see a further breakdown to see how many phans outside the Scandinavian region voted and if having Frew created stories helped allowing more non-Fantomen readers to be able to vote as they have read some of the stories.

Here are the full results:


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