SydNova is a term coined for Sydney Supanova and the related Phantom events that happen the same weekend. For many in Australia it is their key milestone event for the year which includes Supanova, the LFMBEC dinner and plenty other phan catch ups over the weekend - some may even call it their Mecca pilgrimage.
It sees phans travel all around Australia and even internationally to gather and celebrate the Phantom together.
This article is a list of the events, the dates and when phans will be gathering together. If your new and never attended anything like this before, feel free to reach out to us on our social media platforms or email and we will help connect you.
Last year, Frew held an open office at their warehouse on the Friday before the Supanova event on the weekend as they did not have a booth at the Supanona event post COVID. However in 2023 Frew we can confirm that they will be attending Supanova Sydney which will excite many a phan.

Sydney Supanova
The whole weekend centers around Sydney Supanova which is 17 and 18 June 2023 located at the Sydney Showgrounds. Best place to find out information including buying your tickets, go to their website.
Confirmed guests with a Phantom Influence:
Freddie Williams II (own booth 27)
Daniel Picciotto (own booth 21)
Alex Trpcevski (own booth 13)
Jamie Johnson (own booth 25)
Lauren Marshall (own booth 17)
Matt Kyme (own booth 22)
Christopher Sequeira (own booth 18)
Chewie Chan (own booth 18)
Paul Mason (Frew booth 2021)
Shane Foley (Frew booth 2021)
Jeremy Macpherson (Frew booth 2021)
Duncan Munro (Frew booth 2021)
Antonio Lemos (Frew booth 2021)
Marcelo Baez (Frew booth 2021)
A number of Frew creators will attend the event. Some will have their own booths while others will only be at the Frew booth.
We can confirm that there will be a Phantom themed panel which is scheduled for Saturday 10:30am - 11:30am at the Supanova Seminars area. The Supanova schedule can be downloaded here.

Frew Booth at Supanova
Every year Frew has attended Supanova, they have released numerous products and comics to purchase. While we do not have official word on the products as of yet, there will be a pholio print set with the theme of Phantom Villains.
In the past we have also seen Frew release other products like graphic novels, TPB's and even trading cards. Chances are, we will see something similar in 2023 again.
Please note that all products will then be released on their website one or two weeks after the event for other phans who have not attended to buy.
This year the LFMBEC dinner event will be held Saturday 17 June 2023 at the Deus Cafe in Sydney's west. Note, this event is invite only and has been going on every year since 1999. You can find out more about the event including photos and information on past events at their website
The 2023 guest will be Frew cover artist Alex Trpcevski.
It is worth noting that this is a high class dinner event. You will have guaranteed phun! Below is a mission statement or 'Raison d-Entre' which is worth reading before you attend.
Their Raison d'Ętre
To keep alive the memory of Lee Falk, creator of The Phantom
To meet regularly to share our pleasure in all things Phantom
To do this aided by good food and good wine in a refined and convivial atmosphere
To invite exceptional and interesting Phantom people to be guest speakers at these gatherings
To raise money through our activities for the New Children's Hospital at Westmead
To restrict membership utilising a philosophy based on purely random and whimsical selection by Richard Fry and Tony Di Dio

PLEASE NOTE: Sad news has been broken post this podcast coming out that Richard Fry who is the main organiser of the LFMBEC dinner sadly passed away on June 5th 2023. The dinner will still be going ahead. If you booked your ticket you should have heard from Bradley and Joyful Peach by now. If you still have not. Please feel free to reach out to us at
Phan Catch Ups
If you cannot make the LFMBEC dinner but still want to catch up with phans, there are several opportunities to do so. A couple of set times phans set aside for the weekend are:
Friday night from 6pm at the Sydney Mercure Pub, which is located at 818/820 George St in the Sydney CBD.
Saturday lunch at Supanova. Usually at 1pm at a restaurant outside the main Dome. Usually we meet at a booth and then go over together. Specific times and location will be decided closer to the date.

Some of the team from Chronicle Chamber will be attending all the events and would love to catch up with you. If you attend, please ensure you come up, say hi and let us know what you agree with or disagree with on our podcasts.
We will also be wondering around giving out goodies and recording snippets for the podcast. If you ever have wanted to be on the X-Band: The Phantom Podcast, this is your chance.