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Pre Order Available for the Phantom Colouring In Book

Writer: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

As was first announced in the X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #265 by Lou Manna on our fundraiser sketch session Hermes has officially announced the colouring in book for a summer (July-August) 2024 release.

The Phantom Coloring Book costs $19.99US (Roughly $30AU, $20Eu, 210 sek/nok & 1700INR).

It will consist of 80 pages of artwork setup for colouring in. It will be in paperback format and sized 7" x 11".

Some phans may recognise the art used for the front cover which was originally a commission by phan Jaime Diaz. Hermes Press must have enjoyed the piece that much, they required permission to use it for their publication.

The note in the announcement about the artwork by Samantha Lomuscio has confused some as it talks about paying tribute to past and current artists Ray Moore to Sy Barry and beyond.

Samantha Lomuscio is the credited artist of all 80 line art images in the book. Hermes Press commissioned her with the brief that she use references from various credited Phantom artists such as Ray Moore and Sy Barry, who produced KFS official materials, as well as the work of independent artists. The artwork will be designed to best allow colouring-in by children and adults alike.

Samantha has also worked on the popular Hermes colouring in book for their title "Dark Shadows".

As per usual, we will review the book when it comes out on our platform. If you ever want to join the team helping us review latest products, comics and other related Phantom products on our platform, please contact us.


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