Dan DiDio is the writer for the current Mad Cave Studios comic book series of the Defenders of the Earth and the podcast World at War Comics has just recently released an hour long chat with him. Dan DiDio is much more than just a Phantom or Defenders of the Earth writer, so they spend a bit of time talking about Dans career but there is a good 14 minutes on the comic book series which is worth a listen.
If you are late to the series, we recommend reading our past interviews with Dan DiDio, the writer plus Jim Calafiore the illustrator plus Chas! Pangburn the editor of the series. Scott Waldyn has been reviewing the issues and he joined us as we gave a mid series review on our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #297.
The Mad Cave Studios Defenders of the Earth chat begins at the 17 minute mark and ends around the 31 minute mark. Prior to that, Dan is introduced and gives a detailed introduction to his comics career which is fascinating as he has the background as an editor and offers a unique business perspective in the world of comics.
Some interesting highlights in the 14 minute chat with timestamps are:
How to got The Mad Cave Studios Defenders of the Earth role. 17min
Talks a bout the parent and child relationships between the heroes. 21min
Talks about will the series and if it will be ongoing? Dan DiDio did mention that he has a second storyline outline already written. 28min
There will be a new artist for issue 6 with Jim Calafiore back on issue 7 and 8. 29min
The Phantom will battle with his brother again in issue 5. 30min
Other random comments that will interest phans that were discussed was:
Bob Harras who is credited working on the show and comic book series doesn't remember working on the comic series when Dan DiDio talked to him about the show. I have heard this before.
The comic and TV series is more mature than other tv shows back in the day.
There is a twist with the Octon AI character.
Dan DiDio made mention that Mandrake the Magician was the most fun character of the main heroes to work on.
At the start of the project, he thought the kids was the most interesting to work on.
Dan also made mention that he would watch the tv show while writing and creating the comic book series.
If you are late to the series, we recommend reading our past interviews with Dan DiDio, the writer plus Jim Calafiore the illustrator plus Chas! Pangburn the editor of the series. Scott Waldyn has been reviewing the issues and he joined us as we conducted a mid series review on our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #297.