So which did you think were the best Frew issues, stories and covers published in 2020?

After a huge response from the phans, the Best of Frew 2020 survey has been run and won. Today we're pleased to be releasing the results, both here and in conjunction with our "Best of 2020" podcast.
Once again we were blown away by the entries - over 210 responses in all.
It's great to see so many phans, new and old, getting involved. Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to reflect on the year that was and nominate your favourite Frew covers, stories and issues from the year that was 2020.
Before the individual results, a point to note about the overall voting - 2020 was a very even year with only one or two stand outs as you will soon see. For the most part, votes were very much shared around this year:
31 of 32 covers received votes (i.e. in someone's top 3)
56 of 60 stories received votes (i.e. in someone's top 5)
33 of 34 issues received votes (i.e. in someone's top 3)
Obviously Frew are catering for a very wide audience - and doing it very successfully.
Phan votes for Best Frew Cover of 2020
According to the popular vote, where people nominated their Top 3 covers of the year:

Points of note:
With his first two covers for Frew, Daniel Picciotto takes out positions 1 and 5 - looks like Frew have unearthed a new phan phavourite!
With only two cover contributions for the year, perennial vote-getter Jamie Johnson has placed in 2nd and 3rd
A wonderful effort from Grange Wallis, the only artist to have three covers appear in the Top 10
9 of the top 11 positions were taken by Australian artists, and all 5 of the top 5
Phan votes for Best Frew Story of 2020
According to the popular vote, where people nominated their Top 5 stories of the year:

Points of note:
2020 was something of a return to form for Team Fantomen stories, filling 4 of the top 6 positions after only having one in the top 10 last year.
That said, support for local creations continues, with 4 of the top 10 phavourite stories being original commissions by Frew.
Interestingly, 6 of the top 10 stories were serials. Of these, only The Triads was collected into a single book with the others all spread across multiple issues.
Phan votes for Best Frew Issue of 2020
According to the popular vote, where people nominated their Top 3 issues of the year:

Points of note:
Featuring such a popular cover and story, as well as a couple of Lee Falk / Sy Barry classics, it's probably no surprise that #1869 would be the leader in the 'Best Issue' category too.
Likewise, the Annual has taken its traditional position near the top of the podium.
It probably is more surprising that a trio of regular issues would appear in the top 5, above more fancied releases such as the Trade Paperback and Christmas special.

Without question #1869 has to be declared the overall "winner" of 2020, placing first in every category. This is the second year in a row we have seen such a clear-cut result after #1832 last year - interestingly both of these issues are specials featuring a Duncan Munro / Jeff Weigel original story paired with Falk / Barry classics.
Thanks to all voters, and a huge "Well done!" to everyone who finished in the Top 10 of any category - with Frew pumping out 34 books and 60 stories last year creating a highly competitive field, to emerge as a popular favourite is no mean feat.
Most of all: well done, congratulations and THANK YOU to Glenn Ford, Rene White and Dudley Hogarth - the core of the Frew Crew and the men who make all of this possible.
Prize Winners!
After all that of course we need to say a special congratulations to the five winners of our lucky prize draw, selected at random from all respondents. We conducted the draw during our "Best of 2020" podcast - check it out in the video below.
Daniella Colombara and Nick Moles are our lucky winners of the Frew Crew badges - well done.

The next three voters drawn at random are winners of a set of ChronicleChamber merch (keyring, pin, sticker) - congratulations to Shane, Glaucio Cardoso and Adrian Wade.
Make sure you all keep an eye on your mail for the next few days as the prizes make their way to you!
So what are your thoughts? Did the right issue, cover and story win? Any surprising placings for you? Please let us know via the comments below or on any of our social media platforms!