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Paul Mason Exhibitions - 2022

Writer: Dan FraserDan Fraser

Australian artist and writer Paul Mason already has one exhibition of his Phantom work available for viewing by the public in 2022, and in the not-too-distant future he will participate in a second – and go international at that!

Since last week the Brisbane Square Library, located in the Queensland capital’s CBD, has had a collection of fifteen A1 size prints of Paul’s more recent work on the walls of the Young Adult section.

The images are largely covers and internal art from Kid Phantom and The Phantom: Vietnam series, and we here at Chronicle Chamber are incredibly touched that Paul’s cover for the Bushfire Phundraiser book has also found a place in the collection.

A couple of other prints are described as "work yet to be published in 2022". These two full-page colour images depict a Phantom with boxing gloves, and one includes a background poster proclaiming “Masked Marvel Returns!” … these would seem to be some pretty handy clues about a Paul Mason story that will appear in a Frew comic later this year - confirmed by a little bird at Frew!

This is not the first time Paul has had a display in the Brisbane Square Library, previously featuring a predominantly Kid Phantom collection back in 2019. The current display should be up and available for public viewing until March this year.

As for his second upcoming showcase: last week it was announced that Paul would be a participating artist in the Australian Comics presented by IllustrateYourLife exhibition to be held in Bangkok, Thailand later this year, opening on 16 March 2022..

Australian Comics presented by IllustrateYourLife is a series of exhibitions highlighting Australia’s best and most original comic art. This third edition of the exhibition is curated by Jakub Mazerant and organised in partnership with the Australian Embassy in Thailand.

According to, the exhibition showcases “exceptionally talented individuals, artists who focus on very different themes and use various forms of expression”.

The exhibition has stated goals of “promoting Australian arts and culture, reaching out to younger generations around the world, providing exceptional educational opportunities and igniting a creative dialogue between nations.”

The work of Paul Mason, especially his Phantom work, is a very appropriate vehicle to help achieve those goals.

Head to Paul's website to keep up with his latest activity, and especially to follow his upcoming Kickstarter for FLOCK #1, a new creator-owned comic series that Paul will be launching soon.

1 Comment

wow cant wait for the masked marvel sequel.


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