Sydney Supanova and the LFMBEC Dinner is the highlight for many Australian phans. Some have missed the past two years of their annual religious experience due to COVID-19 but the excitement has started to catch on. Will you be in attendance?
There will be phan meetings a plenty during the weekend to catch up for swapping stories, comics and other random Phantom items along with Supanova, the LFMBEC dinner plus so much more. What is to follow is our attempt of a guide for every phan who is attending the weekend.
Phan Catch Ups
There will be two generic phan catch ups over the weekend open for ALL phans.
Friday night catch up at the Mecure Hotel pub in the Sydney CBD from 7pm-ish.
Saturday lunch at a restaurant near the convention. We will be meeting at Matt Kyme's booth at 1pm and then heading to the restaurant after.

The LFMBEC Dinner is an all time phan phavourite. This is the highlight for many a phan of the weekend. The dinner draws phans from around the four corner of Australia and the world including Europe, USA, New Zealand and Japan.
This event is NOT open for all. It is by invite only. The guest speaker for the evening is Daniel Picciotto. To learn more about the event we recommend visiting their website
The aim of the dinners are:
To keep alive the memory of Lee Falk, creator of The Phantom
To meet regularly to share our pleasure in all things Phantom
To do this aided by good food and good wine in a refined and convivial atmosphere
To invite exceptional and interesting Phantom people to be guest speakers at these gatherings
To raise money through our activities for the New Children's Hospital at Westmead

The event is Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June - you can find out more at their website including how to buy tickets and the schedule for the weekend which will be posted closer to the date.
We have received confirmation the following creators are attending. So get those comics out for signatures and remarques and circle their names in the program.
Camillo Di Pietrantonio (booth 13 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Daniel Picciotto (booth 16 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Jamie Johnson (booth 6 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Alex Trpcevski (booth 132 in Artists Alley)
Matt Kyme (booth 10 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Julie Ditrich (booth 12 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Christopher Sequeira (booth 11 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Dean Rankine (booth 4 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Kieran Jack (booth 55 in Artists Alley)
Expect the artists to have new prints and some original art to purchase. We will update this list as we receive confirmation.
You can download the program and map for Sydney Supanova below
Frew will not be attending the Supanova event but it is our belief there will be some products for phans to buy plus phans can organise a tour of the headquarters! When news of the products are announced, we will update this article and inform everyone on social media.

If you are coming to any of the events, please find us and say Hi! We may come from all walks of life but we have thing in common and that is the Phantom! Let us celebrate this and have some PHUN!
Ensure you follow us on social media as we will post photos, videos etc from the weekend and recordings will be made for our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast.