Norwegian artist Arild Midthun who is famous for his artwork for humor magazines KOnk (1980-1983) and the Norsk Mad Magazine (1981-1985 & 2001) has his original artwork currently in a gallery exhibition. The exhibition opened Saturday 3rd February 2024 at the Midthun Gallery & Framemakeri and you can find out more at their website.
Among his huge array of work has been two popular covers featuring a Phantom theme on the cover for issue 1 from 1983 and issue 9 from 1984.
What may interest some phans is that these Phantom themed pieces are currently on sale and can be purchased. The price for the pieces are NOK 12,000 ($1,750AU, $1,200US, €1,050 and 95,000INR) and NOK 14,000 ($2,000AU, $1,350US, €1,230 and 110,500INR).
If those prices do not scare you, you can contact Arild Midthun at his email address
Thank you goes to Kristian Hellesund for bringing this to our attention.