There was some excitement this week when Timo Wuerz released his new Phantom cover on Facebook for then an unknown German publisher.
Initially many including me thought it may have been a new cover for Wick Publications who earlier this year announced they will be releasing a new series in 2021. We can confirm that is not the case.
It looks like King Features again has sold a second license in the same country. The Wick Publications series has been delayed for personal reasons and COVID-19 but will be out early 2022.
The new publisher is a comics and music publisher / producer called Zauberstern - their website can be found here and their Facebook here.
We will later on try and bring interviews of both the publishers and Timo so you can learn more about them.

However in the mean time, according to their announcement, they will be producing new stories including new and classic newspaper strips, other publisher created stories and maybe even their own new stories.
We understand the new series will be released first week of January 2022, bi-monthly. The price will be € 9,99 ($16AUD, $12USD & 100 sek).
As we learn more details, we will let you know via our website, social media and our X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts.