A lot of phans are excited by the new Defenders of the Earth comic book series being released by Mad Cave Studios. To celebrate the release of issue #1 on 14th August 2024, we have had unprecedented access to Dan DiDio, Jim Calafiore the creators and the editor of the new series.
Presenting now is the editor of the comic series Chas! Pangburn.
We will be reviewing these comics on our podcast and YouTube channel and planning on more access to the creators associated with this series through Mad Cave Studios. If you have a question we have missed, please email us at ChronicleChamber@gmail.com.

Chronicle Chamber: Thank you for your time Chas, we are all eagerly awaiting reading your take on our beloved Defenders of the Earth TV Show. To start off, were you a fan of the original Defenders of the Earth TV Show? Have you found yourself going back to watch it?
Chas! Pangburn: In full transparency, I was born in December of ‘86, so the Defenders of the Earth cartoon was a little before my time. Full exposure to the series didn’t come until many years later and from an unlikely source: The Weekly Planet podcast.
If/when the hosts, James Clement and Nick Mason, mentioned Marvel’s The Defenders (2017), they immediately played the entire theme song to the Defenders of the Earth cartoon. Being an ongoing gag and a catchy bopper written by Stan Lee.
It didn’t take long to memorize the tune and find itself in my YouTube searching habits. With full episodes on the Comics Kingdom page, I was immediately hooked—it was the perfect blend of action, adventure, humor, and had the “very special episode” tone of 1980s cartoons.
Being the editor of the comic series, I viewed it as my duty to watch every episode, but it never once felt like “work.” It holds up really well! [Editors note: You can watch the whole series via this link.]
CC: Were you a fan of the Phantom, Mandrake or Flash?
CP: Due to my age, I’m most definitely a Phantom fan. Between the Phantom 2040 cartoon, the Phantom 2040 video game, and the Billy Zane flick, the mid-nineties had multiple modes of entry for the franchise, and I happily dove into all of ‘em. (That game was ridiculously hard, though)

CC: A fifth unpublished Defenders of the Earth story was nearly completed. The artwork by Alex Saviuk and Fred Fredericks was finished. Is this something you'd be interested in restoring and completing, like for a hardcover version of the collection?
CP: Funny enough, we’ve actually been in contact with Alex Saviuk for some fun DotE-related things, so we do know about those seemingly lost pages. Although we can’t speak definitively yet, we are looking into what we can legally do and release! Keep those fingers crossed.
CC: Have you checked out Dynamite Entertainments use of these characters in their Kings Watch & Kings Cross series?
CP: I have not! I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t know of either series until recently. Had it been named Defenders of the Earth, I know it would’ve been on my radar, though. Reading between the lines, I’m pretty sure their goal was to lean away from the Defenders branding (because of the Marvel show being released at that point in time), but that meant flying under the radar for folks like me.

CC: Is this going to be an ongoing series or will it depend on sales with this first series? How many issues in this ‘arc’?
CP: The series is already mapped out at eight issues—two four-issue arcs—however, we do have long term plans for these characters beyond that. For now, I’d just say to keep an eye out for future issues of the Flash Gordon Quarterly. Issues 2 (December) and 3 (April) have DotE short stories that further expand upon Dan’s storytelling.

CC: Pages per issue?
CP: 24!
CC: What was the process of selecting the creative team to work on this project?
CP: If anything, I’d say that Dan DiDio chose us! Last year at SDCC, he kept swinging by the booth to speak with Mike Marts (my boss and EiC) about the franchise. His enthusiasm for these characters was infectious, so it was a no brainer to pull him in.
Dan DiDio requested Jim Calafiore, so it was another easy decision on our part. Their past adventures with capes and cowls over at DC immediately solidified the project as something special. Juancho!’s gorgeous colors and Carlos M. Mangual’s beautiful letters ended up being the icing on the cake.
Being an editor that works with licensed characters, I actively do my best to find comic creators who are already fans of a given I.P. As opposed to a work-for-hire gig, it ends up being a passion project. With all members of the team being fans of these characters, they’re truly cooking up something special.
CC: What are you enjoying about working with these characters / this franchise?
CP: Flash, Phantom, Mandrake, Lothar, Ming, and co. are staples of the medium. It’s a dream to continue their tales for both old and new audiences. Our hope is to honor their past, celebrate their present, and elevate these characters for fans in the far future.
Check out issue one when you get a chance–you won’t regret it!
CC: We thank you for your time and we look forward to reading the issue and discussing it on our platforms.
