During COVID-19, some collector pop culture hobbies sky rocketed in value and popularity as people had spare cash from being isolated staying at home. Original comic art was one area and another was high end collector sport cards. The kids that grew up in the 1980's and 1990's have disposable money and are wanting to re-live their childhood memories which included reading comics and collecting trading cards.
Instead of having low value filler cards that are not collectable, companies now just release a whole set of rare and collectable cards. Through browsing the Internet we were made aware of one company Saturday Morning Cards who has just recently released a Popeye limited high end collector card set.
For the lay person, this specific Popeye set consists of 1,000x cards that will be released. In these 1,000 cards there are 199x Matrix, 150x Silver Cards, 100x Stars, 50x Ice, 25x Gold Ice, 10x Gold, 5x Black Ice and 1x Black card and the rest will be one of one original art sketch cards by artists and other non numbered cards. The cost for these Popeye sets are $30US and comes in an exclusive display box. It is worth mentioning that generally the matrix, silver, gold, ice cards are of the same design of the card.
While we do not have confirmation yet on a future release, we wonder what other King Feature licenses they have and will the Phantom be next? We are keeping an eye out on Saturday Morning Cards Instagram profile hopefully for an announcement soon - we recommend you do as well.
For some phans, their mindset will need to be changed as there are no guarantees on which card they get, as it is a luck of the draw blind bag style purchase. Would you be interested in some high end Phantom collector cards for your collection?
