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Exclusive: Team Fantomen Artist Test Pages (Spadari, Boix, Cruz, Lindahl, Leppänen & Bade)

In the Swedish comic magazine Bild & Buddla 3/2000 not only did it feature a great Phantom themed cover by artist Patrik Norrman and several articles about the Phantom by Göran Semb and Ulf Granberg it also featured several test pages.

Cesar Spadari, Joan Boix, Carlos Cruz, Hans Lindahl, Kari Leppänen and Heiner Bade are all iconic creators with Team Fantomen and are a who's who of modern Phantom artists.

If you would like to learn more about these artists we suggest going to their Phantom Wiki pages or the following links on our own website:

In looking at the above images, the most obvious change is that Carlos Cruz and Cesar Spadari did not produced a page of story art unlike the others.

The other interesting note is just how different the style from Hans Lindahl and Kari Leppänen looks from their recent Phantom stories. The sample pages from Carlos Cruz and Joan Boix looks the same as their artwork we have seen in their past and current day stories.

With Heiner Bade's test page, we are able to match his test page with a page that was originally published in a Team Fantomen story by Jaime Vallve. I am sure a lot of phans will enjoy going through the two pages and seeing how each artist visually saw each panel and how they differ from each other.

It would be interesting to see if the other sample test pages by Hans Lindahl, Joan Boix and Kari Leppänen also match other Team Fantomen stories. Can anyone match them? If you can, please contact us.

Thanks to Pidde Andersson for the information of the test pages and bringing it to our attention. If anyone has a copy of the Bild & Buddla 3/2000 magazine, please contact us.


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