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More Details for the Denmark Fantomet Hardcover Albums by E-Voke

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

Back in April 2024, we announced how the publisher E-Voke has announced details on their hardcover album volume 1 and 2. Since April 2024 the scheduling has changed and thanks to the husband wife duo of Lea and Lars we have some more information we can share with the phans from Denmark and abroad who would be wanting to add these albums to their collections.

As of July 2024, the covers for albums 1, 2 and 3 are attached.

Lea and Lars exclusively told Chronicle Chamber that at this stage, they will be releasing two volumes a year each with a rough page count of 128 pages consisting of 4-5 stories. They will be a mixture of stories from the newspaper stories created by Lee Falk and others like Team Fantomen, Frew, USA and potentially other publishers.

It will be an interesting job to ensure the mix of stories will please and appeal to the Denmark audience.

Volume 1 will be released 31 July 2024. The comic art will be in black and white with a page count of 128 pages encased with a hardcover cover and will cost 239 Danish kr (€32, $35US, $55Au and 370kr/ nok).

The cover artist is Luca Erbetta and the contents will be the same as the 2021 Swedish Softcover album.

  • "The Slave Market of Mucar" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

  • "Queen Samaris XII" by Lee Falk and Bill Lignante

  • "The Golden Sands of Keela-Wee" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

  • "The Lions of Kukhan" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

  • "Jungle Olympics" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

Website link for Album 1

Volume 2 has a tentative publish date of November 2024. Again the interior pages will be in black and white with a page count of 120 pages with a hardcover.

At this stage there is no pre order option or a price but based on volume 1, the price will be around 239 Danish kr (€32, $35US, $55Au and 370kr/ nok).

The cover artist is Felmang and the cover design is a mixture of three covers from the Frew Phantom's World series comics. The stories included in this album gives a great mixture of stories and are:

  • "The Phantom’s Death" by Don Jon Arneson and Jim Aparo

  • "The Queen of Saba" by Roy Felmang

  • "The Ghost Wall" by Tony DePaul, George Olesen and Keith Williams

What the team finds interesting about Album 2 is that apparently the "The Queen of Saba" story by Roy Felmang when printed by Frew was edited and E-Voke will be publishing it as it was originally drawn. It will be a phun exercise comparing the two editions.

"The Phantom’s Death" by Don Jon Arneson and Jim Aparo was first published by Charlton #33 from 1977 and has been printed in comics from 12 other countries including Denmark in Fantomet #81 from 1977.

Details for Volume 3 has not yet been announced. Originally as reported by us in April 2024, the cover for album 3 was going to be used as the cover for album 2. It does makes sense to use a Felmang created cover to showcase his work.

This artwork is by new comer Raúl Lara, from Spain.

We expect this volume to be released in the May-July 2025 date if E-Voke stick to the two albums released in a year goal.

When more details are announced, we will report on it here - keep an eye on our website and or social platforms.

Based on E-Vokes Facebook page, we can expect more stories by Felmang to be published in these albums.

When more news has been announced on future albums we will report on it on our platforms. We are also planning on having a local Denmark Fantomet reader to review these albums as they are released on our YouTube channel and monthly comic reviews and news podcasts.


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