25th November 2024 is the date for the pre orders for the digital version of the Phantom video game us phans have been super excited about. The digital release will be 25 February 2025.
For those old school gamers & phans who want a physical game to play or for their collection, those pre orders will be starting on 25th February 2025.
A lot of the hardcore Phantom phans will be excited about the collectable phan packs which come with collectors box art by our phavourite Phantom artists in Sy Barry, Sal Velluto, Glenn Ford, Luca Erbetta (x2 different designs), Anthony Spay and Alex Trpcevski. This will allow you to present the game slip case within your Phantom room.
The good news is that there will be 50 packs for the hardcore phans, with all covers and prints available. This pack will come with a 7x physical boxes with all 7 cover slip inserts and the 7 limited prints posted to you. That cost is $109.95 US ($165.95Au, €110, 1,200 sek/nok and 9,300 INR)
As you can see by the artwork below of the artists, it is indeed a hard choice to just choose one, so why not choose all?
