Frew readers and phans around the world all got a little surprise when they opened their copy of the Giant Size #26. Inside was a neat little four page story originally created back in 1992 by Bob Scarlatti and Romano Felmang.
The story was originally commissioned by Christies Auctions which is a British fine Art Auction House and the story first in their 7 May 1992 auction catalogue featuring many comic and cartoon original artwork up for sale.
This story was printed in Italian and published in landscape format, two rows per page over 8 pages. Attached here is the original art which was sold on the Wannanes Auction website on September 2019.
Interestingly, Frew's Giant Size was not the first time this story was published in English. That honour goes to Comics Revue #120 which also features a Felmang interview. Rick Norwood is the editor for Comics Revue and he also edited the story into English - interestingly the translated versions between the Comics Revue and Frew are very different.
As a limited editor and translator I would say the Frew version is more accurate to the original Italian version. We are not including full versions of the English versions - if you want to read the full story, you can buy the Frew comic from their website.
Frew version
Comics Revue version
Frew version
Comics Revue version
Frew version
Comics Revue version
Thanks must go to Felmang who answered a lot of the initial questions we had. Thanks must also go to Andreas Eriksson who provided the scans of the original art, Jeremy MachPerson who provided to us which Comics Revue magazine it featured in and Swaroop Chand who scanned a copy of the Comics Revue #120 issue that was not in my collection.