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Rebranding Chronicle Chamber

Writer: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

Chronicle Chamber has been around since 2006, and we've had a few different iterations since then! Different website platforms, various backgrounds and site logos have come and gone over the years. Hopefully most of it has passed the casual viewer fairly seamlessly, but we do like to keep things fresh and current, as well as providing a quality experience for you the consumer.

To that end, at our recent AGM in Sydney we decided that it was time for another freshen up! The big thing for us was consistency - we wanted to have a clear and recognisable logo, adaptable for a variety of formats, but one image that tied them all together.

Enter our wonderful Patreon supporters and the extremely talented Grange Wallis.

Grange has created an incredible interpretation of our "Phantom wearing headphones" motif, and provided us with the variations we need to have a consistent look across our various social media platforms and podcast.

Thanks so much to the phans who support the work we do via Patreon - without them we wouldn't be able to have new things happening, like the recent CC merch (contact us directly for details) or this glorious new look.

And of course a huge shout out to Grange. We've been loving his work on Frew covers recently, and his card in the recent trading card series, and we love what he's done here. Check out more of his work on his Facebook page.

We hope you enjoy the new look - we love it!

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This website is funded by our Patreons ​| All rights of the Phantom & related items are copyright by King Features Syndicate & Hearst.

This website is funded and run by phans from around the world. The opinions on this website are not associated with the licensed publishers or the owners of the Phantom.

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