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April 2019 Updates to P3 - The Gold Continues to be Added

Writer: Dan FraserDan Fraser

How on earth is it nearly the end of April?

It has been way too long between drinks in terms of updates to the Phantom Preservation Project (P3), so we hope adding a suite of additions makes up for it. Of course you should check out the Index, but a couple of weeks ago we added the following for April 2019:

  • Four songs from Sweden

  • An interview with Sy Barry from 1982 (Comic Scene Publications #1)

  • A scan of 2018 Fumo Di China #280

  • 3 Newspaper articles, including one from India in 2018

  • No fewer than FIVE Friends of The Phantom newsletters #3, 5, 7, 8 & 10

  • 13 files of pamphlets from Bradford Exchange

  • 11 files of advertisements from Denmark comics

  • The complete 71 page PDF version of Johnson's Official Phantom Price Guide (3rd Edition)

  • 4 video files from Bradley Peach's Albury exhibition "Enter the Phantom"

Existing Patreons have already received their message granting them access to the P3. We hope they enjoy sifting through all this Phantom goodness. Any new P3 members (at the $5 tier) will be able to find the link in messages that become available to them.

Any phans who sign up to the $5 / month level of support will also be granted immediate access to this vast array of Phantom video, audio, print material, games, artwork.

There are of course greater rewards for the awesome people who are happy to sign up for the $20 or $50 / month levels, which is all outlined on the Patreon page.

Don't forget that all Patreon members will be automatically entered into our competition for the FREE COPY OF THE DON NEWTON'S COMPLETE PHANTOM BOOK. Even if you are not a current member you can still join up and be in the running.

Our review of this amazing book is below.

If you aren't already a Patreon Supporter, there is still a chance to join and be in the running for this amazing prize. The draw will be drawn at the end of May and posted free of charge to the winner.

The raffle draw is random, and Patreons will be entered at a rate of one ticket for each dollar pledged monthly. For instance, supporting at $1/month equals one entry, supporting at $5/month equals 5 entries.

So, head over to our Patreon page and as we always say - Happy Phantoming!

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This website is funded by our Patreons | All rights of the Phantom & related items are copyright by King Features Syndicate & Hearst.

This website is funded and run by phans from around the world. The opinions on this website are not associated with the licensed publishers or the owners of the Phantom.

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