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Best of Frew 2018 - Phan phavourites!

Writer: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

So which were the most popular Frew stories and covers published in 2018?

After a huge response from the phans the Best of Frew 2018 survey has been run and won, and many of you will have already heard the results on Episode #109 of X-Band: The Phantom Podcast. However today we're releasing the full set of results in written form so you can sit back and take it all in at your leisure!

We were blown away by the entries - over 300 responses to the survey just about melted down the google form document as votes came in thick and fast. It's an increase of numbers from last year, and great to see so many phans, new and old, getting involved. Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to reflect on the year that was, and nominate your favourite Frew covers and stories from 2018.

Of course, we acknowledge that this a highly subjective list and many phans will disagree with the results. A reminder that the final placings are based on popular votes.

It is important to point out here: NO story or cover was left completely unloved; there was NO cover or story with zero votes. Every cover or story that Frew published in 2018 was in someone's Top 3 or 5, so they're covering all bases and are clearly doing a whole bunch of things right!


Phan votes for Best Frew Cover of 2018

According to the popular vote, where people nominated their Top 3 covers of the year:

Some points of note:

  • Special congratulations to Jamie Johnson, who incredibly took out the Top 3 positions!

  • 7 of the top 10 positions were taken by Australian artists

  • Both TPBs released in 2018 were in the Top 15

  • In a huge surprise omission, Glenn Lumsden did not get a cover in the Top 10

  • Four places in the Top 10 were taken by artists who only had one cover in the mix: Christopher Wahl, Freddie Williams III, Jeff Weigel and Sy Barry.


Phan votes for Best Frew Story of 2018

According to the popular vote, where people nominated their Top 5 stories of the year:

Some points of note:

  • Special congratulations to Dale Maccanti, who incredibly authored both the Top 2 stories!

  • 7 of the Top 10 positions were taken by Australian authors (8 if we include New Zealand's David Bishop!)

  • 6 of the Top 10 positions were filled by entirely Australian creative teams

  • Amazingly, the four Kid Phantom stories released in 2018 all finished in the Top 7, a huge credit to Andrew Constant and Paul Mason

  • Claes Reimerthi, incredibly prominent in 2017, only snuck into the Top 10 with a single story

  • Lee Falk's highest entry was in 11th place - but he had 4 stories in the Top 20

  • Phantom's World would not seem to be highly read by phans, with its first contribution to the list coming in at 46 with Felmang's Saba saga


Prize Winners!

After all that, of course we need to say a special congratulations to the two lucky recipients of the Frew Crew badges, drawn at random from all respondents. Tammy Hocking and Kelley Craven are our lucky winners - well done: please respond to the email we sent you and then you can keep an eye out in the mail for your prize!


So what are your thoughts? Did the right cover & story win? Any surprising placings for you? Please let us know via the comments below or on any of our associate social media posts!

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