The last twelve months have been a massively busy time here in the ChronicleChamber offices. It sure feels like the website and the podcast is going from strength to strength, and the growing readership and listening numbers suggest to us that we are on the right track at least!
One huge area of growth for us has been the continued expansion of the Phantom Preservation Project (P3). It was a huge change as we re-structured the way we stored all those digital Phantom goodies and delivered them to phans. It has certainly become easier from our end to top it up month by month, and feedback suggests that our supporters have enjoyed what they find there.
It's quite a privilege to collect and share all these fascinating pieces of Phantom history which might otherwise be forever lost, or certainly not widely known or seen.
Late last year, we actually got ourselves to the point where we were struggling to remember what was in the P3! And so a school holiday job was to create an actual usable Index of the files contained in the P3. We'd really encourage you to follow this link to check it out - it surprised even us the way it's grown and the diversity of stuff in there!

The new stuff we add regularly each month will be highlighted in the Index every month will hopefully help everyone find it easily enough. For instance, in the last few days we have added:
The order of service from Lee Falk’s funeral (special thanks to Jamie Diaz for sharing this with us)
Various Scandinavian newspaper and magazine articles (courtesy of Thomas Askjellerud, another huge thank you!)
A range of 99.94 items including the complete set of newsletters, some correspondence from artists, the proposal for the uncompleted 8th painting, and a range of associated advertising
Jermayn’s article in the Italian publication Fumo di China, and importantly - the English language version as well!
Access to the P3 is available to all phans who are able to find $5/month to help us out with website and podcast hosting costs, phone calls for international interviewees and other ChronicleChamber expenses. Each month, Patrons receive a confidential message with fresh details on how to get into the P3 folders.
So if you're keen to access the contents of the P3, make sure you check out our Patreon page and see how you can:
a) support the website
b) gain access to some rarely seen and otherwise potentially lost Phantom files!