'Twas a week before Christmas, when all through the Skull Cave;
Not a character was stirring, not even Uncle Dave;
The purple costume was hung by the chimney with care;
In hopes the ChronicleChamber boys soon would be there;
The phans were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of Phantom gear danced in their heads...
'Tis the season to be merry, and so we come to you in the spirit of the giving!
As long-time readers know, here at ChronicleChamber we are not just about reporting the latest Phantom news here on the website and interviewing Phantom alumni on X-Band: The Phantom Podcast, we are also about collecting and preserving the past. Hence our dedication to the Phantom Preservation Project (P3).
And while all of this is largely an enjoyable hobby for us, it wouldn't be anywhere near as rewarding or fulfilling without the interaction of our loyal readers and listeners. We are incredibly thankful for those in our audience who are able to support us via Patreon and so access the P3, but we know that not everyone is in a position to do so.

So, in the spirit of the season we offer all of you access to the P4 - the Phantom Preservation Project Present!
For the next month, we have made a portion of the P3 available to everyone, via this link.
Curriculum documents: The Phantom Walker
99.94 newsletters
Friends of The Phantom newsletters
Comic Weekly - Club Corner activities (a special Xmas treat for the kids)
Phantom 2040 - Season 2 episodes
a couple of other small surprises
This is just a small token of thanks for all the support and interaction you have provided us over the year, and a sign of good will for the year to come.
All the best,
Stephen, Jermayn & Dan.
Phans heard the boys exclaim, as they dove out of sight;