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Pidde Andersson Pays tribute to the Phantom in his Other Work

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

Egmont publishes many more magazines than Fantomet / Fantomen and one of their other magazines that most Phantom phans would not know off is called 91.

In the most recent magazine starting on page 12 there is a short story featuring Sergeant Revär who is barking at a bunch of recruits. The recruits tell Privates 91 and 87 that they've heard a lot about Revär and that he's always been at the regiment. This story runs for three pages.

Private 87 then makes up a story about Revärs origin. In the last panel the recruits say that it's an amazing story - but it feels weirdly familiar. This homage to the character we all love has obvious roots with the Phantom Lore and in looking at the creaor team behind it, its no wonder.

The writer is Pidde Andersson and the story was drawn by Jonny Nordlund. Pidde has started writing Phantom stories for Frew - we've discussed him on the podcast but also here on CC before. Read about the background of his first Frew story here.

Jonny Nordlund did the cover for Frew #911 and #1806. Andreas gave us an insightful article about Jonny (which you can read here).

In the article Andreas mentioned that Pidde and Jonny have included the Phantom countless times in other stories they have teamed up on and this is clearly another example.

We have not included all three pages seeing its out in print etc at the moment but we have included interesting panels with Sergeant Revärs origin heavily influenced by the Phantom.

Thanks goes to Pidde who informed us off his short story featuring in the latest Egmont 91 Magazine. Thank you.

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