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New Egmont Phantom Creators Announced

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

Eagle eyed Fantomen and Fantomet Egmont readers would have noticed an advert announcing new creators creating Phantom stories.

First up is Fantomen Egmont editor Mikael Sol who will be adding to his busy plate writing full length Phantom stories and artist Carlos Pedrazzini.

Now before you go and search for Carlos Pedrazzini on Google, just be wary as he has drawn comics that may get you in trouble if you're at work and or in front of your kids. Here is a self portrait of Carlos.

Carlos Pedrazzini has been active in the comics industry since the 1970s, and is also known for his explicit pornographic work under the name Salomon Grundig. He was born in Buenos Aires and began his career in the 1970s in the studios of Carlos, Enrique and Ricardo Villagrán,

Since 2014, Pedrazzini is the artist of 'Mild & Fromm', a comic series published in the Swedish Fantomen comic book. and written by Göran Semb (who has been on our podcast, you can listen to Göran here). Below is a panel from one of the stories; I expect his Phantom work to look similar to this.

Mikael as a writer may seem strange to some, but to me it makes sense. He has written before, with several books and autobiographies credited to him, and he has proof-read Phantom stories for several years. It could also mean less money is spent on outsourcing writers and artists which means we may get more new stories from Egmont, which can only be seen as a win for everyone.

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