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The Phantom on Reddit

Writer: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

You may remember a while ago we lamented the loss of message boards to the rise of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. After we posted this a good number of you added your own voices to this chorus and thus we took note. Now, ChronicleChamber is proud to announce that The Phantom is on Reddit, one of the few message board platforms to remain since the domination of social media.

For those who came in late, Reddit has long been a popular place for the denizen of the internet to hang out and discuss their favourite topics. Reddit doesn't require you to give your name or address or age to join, all you need is an email address and you're good to go. Structured like a traditional message board Reddit also allows users to up- and down- vote threads and replies to you only see the stuff you're interested in and get rid of the stuff you're not.

While we understand that the on-line Phantom community isn't huge, we hope at least some of you will come over and join us to discuss our favourite hero. There are already several threads up ready to go, so why not head on over the the r/PhantomPhans subreddit by clicking the Phantom-ised Reddit mascot Snoo, which next to the rest of our social media links in the site's header (or on any of the links in this post).

Hope to see you there.

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