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Phantom Bust Now Available From Phanfare

Writer's picture: Dan FraserDan Fraser

It's been over 11 months since we first reported that Glenn Ford's Phanfare company was planning on releasing a high-end Phantom collectible in the form of a life-size bust, and finally ... it has arrived!

This magnificent piece is about to go on sale to the public, subject only to final approval from King Features Syndicate - and let's face it, there's no way they're going to reject approval for this!!

Sculpted by a European craftsman and film special effects modeller based on Glenn's original design, the bespoke hand-painted bust will go on sale in the second week of September 2017. While a little smaller than the originally planned 90cm tall, the bust is still well and truly life size at 75cm - proportionally this puts The Phantom at an imposing 6'3".

Frew Cover artist Jamie Johnson meets the Phanfare Phantom bust

The bust has been cast in polystone, and weighs only 7.5kg thanks to its hollow construction.

Priced at $AUD1495 (incl. shipping) or $AUD1395 if you can collect it yourself from the Frew office in Sydney, this is a piece for the serious collector only. However, a mere 50 of these will be made, making this an item that will immediately become the pride of the Major Treasure Room.

Enthusiastic collectors can check it out on Phanfare's website here - as soon as approval is granted and it is officially on sale, this will be the place to lodge your order.

Glenn Ford introduces his Phanfare Phantom bust

As you can see, the final product is very faithful to the original plans as they were revealed on Phanfare almost a year ago.

All of us here at ChronicleChamber commend Glenn for his dedication and persistence in producing such a wonderful piece of Phantom memorabilia that will no doubt be coveted for Phantom phans for many generations to come.

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