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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #53 - Interview with SY BARRY

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

In a very special X-Band: The Phantom Podcast, Steve, Jermayn and Dan are privileged to be joined by living legend Sy Barry.

As any self-respecting phan knows, Sy Barry drew The Phantom Daily and Sunday newspaper strips for 33 years from 1961 to 1994, and is widely recognised as the artist that gave the Phantom his modern look.

Sy Barry in his studio (Credit: still from David Barry's YouTube video)

Over the course of an expansive conversation, Sy opens up about: his artistic influences over the last 75 years, working with his brother Dan, how he became aware of The Phantom, taking over from Wilson McCoy and the challenges that posed, as well as his professional and personal relationship with Lee Falk.

Sy also reveals: his artistic process from receiving the scripts through to sending away the artwork, the highlights and lowlights of his long career, his all-time favourite story, and the truth behind the secret rockstar life of comic strip artists.

Finally, Sy also lets us know what he’s been up to in the 22 years since he retired, dealing with his fame in Australia and Scandinavia, selling his art (Phantom and non-Phantom) and ultimately, what he considers his Phantom legacy to be.

After listening to the podcast, make sure you check out Sy’s website where you can learn more about his life and just maybe purchase some original The Phantom artwork from arguably the greatest ever Phantom artist, with Dailies or Sundays from across his career for sale.

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