Bushfire Appeal Phundraiser book
See the gallery below for just a small taste...

The Story...
As most Phantom phans are undoubtedly aware, the summer of 2019/2020 was brutal in Australia. Media coverage of the bushfire disaster was global, and the imagery and stories that we were all exposed to were truly heart-breaking. Communities devastated, lives lost, property destroyed and animals by the millions burned to death.
As we came to grips with the horror, the question we asked ourselves was the same as many people the world over: "What can we do to help?"
Using this platform we're so lucky to have, Chronicle Chamber sent a call out to amazing creators from around the world, who have generously contributed to a collection of unique Phantom pin-up style images.
We've assembled the wonderful submissions into a Phantom-bushfire story and had the collection professionally printed ready for sale, with all net proceeds supporting the bushfire relief appeal.
This is a licensed KFS-approved 52-page colour volume of previously unpublished Phantom artworks, the vast majority of which have been created specifically for this cause.
Artists who have generously donated their time, energy, and creativity:
Alejandro Parga Trevio, Alex Saviuk, Angelo Baiocchi, Anthony Spay, Antonio Lemos,
Arif Iqbal, Camillo Di Pietrantonio, Ciro Balzano, Coral Martinez, Darren Shipp, Dean Rankine, Declan Tiger, Don Ticchio, Douglas Klauba, Glen Le Lievre, Grange Wallis, Guy Possiant, J.C. Baez, Jamie Johnson, Jason Paulos, Jeff Weigel, Jeremy Macpherson, Joan Boix, John K Snyder III, Josef Rubenstein, Keith Williams, Ken Best, Lou Manna, Leandro Peixoto, Luca Erbetta, Marco Tulio Vilela, Massimo Gamberi, Matt Kyme, Mikael Sol, Mike Manley, Mitchell Collins, Norm Breyfogle, Paolo Murgia, Paul Mason, Percy Ochoa, R Robert Pollak, Ruben Procopio, Sal Velluto, Samuel Salomao, Shane Foley, Sy Barry, Thomas Allvin, Tim McEwen, Tony Menzie, Vincent Raja and Wendell Cavalcanti.
Current Tally of Phunds Raised: $24,037*
* Last updated: 9 March 2020 - includes sale of original art, Phaffles and book sales.
All net proceeds donated to Red Cross Australia, Disaster Relief and Recovery.

Buy Now!

If you would like to add your photo with the book, please email us the photo at chroniclechamber@gmail.com.