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Frequently Asked Phantom Questions
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This is the place where we answer some of the common Phantom related questions we get asked all the time. If you have any questions, we have not answered yet, please contact us at
How much is my (or my relatives) collection worth? Looking to sell my collectionAn item is only worth as much as what someone is willing to pay for it. The best place to sell your collection, or your relatives you have been left with is on the Trader Joes Facebook page. Post photos of the item with a description and ideally with a price your looking for. Be weary that once you post on the Facebook page, the seagulls will be ready to swoop. The other option is if you want an impartial valuation, please email us. We can help give you an idea on prices.
How Much are Australian Frew Comics Worth?It all depends on condition. A good website to give you an idea on what your Frews are worth is (Frew list here). If you have any Frew comics under #50 or #100 we would suggest an independant value on them. A mint Frew can easily top $30,000 but a replica issue will only reach $50 tops. If you would like to contact us about getting a value or finding an independant value on them, please email us.
I live in the USA, How can I Get Frew Comics?"You can buy direct from Frew Publications via their website here or you can buy via Harley Slavik which is a comic book distribution company based in the USA. You can order and visit their website or their Facebook account.
I live in India, How can I Get Frew Comics?"You can buy Frew comics through Rregal Publishers which is an Indian publisher publishing their own comics. Go to their website to buy them in Indian Rupees.
How can I get Fantomen Comics Locally and Internationally?If you live in Sweden you can get these comics in most shops were magazines are sold. If you live outside Sweden, you can get an international subscription service which includes postal service to Australia, USA and India. Click here to go to the Dintidning website and you subscribe to either 6 issues or 13 and 26. They produce 26 issues a year.
I am a new Phantom phan, what stories should I read?"With Fantomen and Frew producing over 4,000 comics together and with close to 2,000 different stories published it can be a daunting task. Over on this page, the team of Chronicle Chamber (Jermayn Parker, Mikael Lyck, Dan Fraser & Stephen East) have collected a strong 100+ stories which we believe are a must read. Go visit here for the full list and what comics they have been published in. If you think we are missing any stories, let us know - this list aim is to be updated regularly. We also recommend the Phantomwiki as they have short summeries on majority of the stories.
What is the official cannon?There is no "official lore" by King Features and or Hearst the managing companies that own the rights to the Phantom. However, majority of Phans have an unofficial cannon which is the stories created by co-creator Lee Falk between 1936 and his death in 1999. The other stories created by Team Fantomen, Frew, RGE, Moonstone and the newspaper stories created post Lee Falk's generally do not contradict the unofficial cannon too much. The debate sits were phans see these collection of stories and whether they sit within or alongside the lore.
Why is the phantom different colors?The Phantom's official costume is a purple body suit, cowl; blue trunks with diagonal stripes, a black leather gun belt with a death's head skull on front, black domino mark and riding boots. Throughout the publishing history of the Phantom, various comic book publishers have changed the colour of his uniform. For example, the colour is red in France, Italy, Spain and Brazil, almost a bluish-silver during the early years in Scandinavia before blue with yellow striped trucks and a yellowish-brown in New Zealand. The Phantom began life in a black and white daily newspaper strip on 17 February 1936. Various panels had the word grey desribing the Phantoms colour.
Which artists accept commissions and sell original Phantom artwork?Most current Phantom creators sell their original artwork and are open for commissions. Your best bet is to contact them via their social media accounts or websites. Here is a list of creators: Sy Barry Jeff Weigel Mike Manley Jason Paulos Paul Mason Jamie Johnson Shane Foley Alex Saviuk Wendell Cavalcanti Joan Boix Rafael Dantas Luke McDonnell Lou Manna Massimo Gamberi Luca Erbetta Sal Velluto If you know of any other Phantom artists who are available for commissions, please let us know.
How old is the current phantom?Comic years are different than real life years. The Phantom was in his early 20's in 1936 which would make him around 110 today if based on real life years. In comic years, The Phantom would be around 43 to 45. We would assume The Phantom married at 25-ish to Diana Palmer his childhood sweetheart and they had twins Kit and Heloise a year later. The twins are now around 17-18 in todays stories. Of course, in the comics world, there are always going to be wrinkles for any timeline you set. For example Rex who was found by the 21st Phantom, yet was at least 8 years old when he married to Diana. The debate will continue.
Where can i get the latest news about the Phantom?Chronicle Chamber is the best source as we cover Phantom news from all around the world. You can either get the latest news from our website or via our social media platforms for the latest news, interviews with creators, podcasts and much more. Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Podcast
Is there a new movie or TV Show in the works?At this stage officially, no! However who knows what is bubblinb in the background. There was two sequels destined after the 1996 Billy Zane movie which never happened. In 2008 writer and director Tim Boyle wrote a two part Phantom movie script featuring the 22nd Phantom in Kit and Heloise. This movie was very close to being created. We recommend watching/listening to two podcasts that touch upon these movies. Podcast #133: Billy Zane Podcast #176: Tim Boyle
Where can I read The Phantom dailies and Sundays on-line?Comics Kingdom is the King Features Syndicate website which shows the daily and or Sunday newspaper strip for that day. The Phantom Trial is a phan created website which shows a month of Sunday strips or a week of daily strips at a time which can be handy to read. A third option is the digital newspaper Seattle PI (Post Intelligencer) which has a larger free archive unlike other sources.
What newspapers / comic book are currently running the Phantom?The main comic publishers of the Phantom which are Frew Publications from Australia publishing from 1948 to current with over 1800 issues Fantomen from Egmont publishing from 1950 to current with over 1700 issues. Hermes Press currently publish reprint stories in hardcover format with the Sunday and Daily newspaper stories from 1936 to present. Regal Publishers from India are publishing in colour and in english. Kockás from Hungary. Comics Revue from USA. Many newspapers still publish the Phantom. This may not be a complete list, so if you know of any others, please let us know. Sunday stories: The Canberra Times, Canberra Australia The Sunday Times, Perth Australia The Sunday Mail, Australia Sudha Weekly, India The Asian Age, India Deccan Chronicle, India Jamaica Star, Jamaica Sunday Nation, Kenya El Sol de Tampico, Mexico The Philippine Star, The Philippines Daytona Beach News-Journal, USA Herald Standard, USA Reading Eagle, USA Daily stories: The Advertiser, Australia The Cairns Post, Australia The Chronicle, Australia The Courier-Mail, Australia The Daily Telegraph, Australia Herald Sun, Australia Townsville Bulletin, Australia Shepparton News, Australia "La reunión", El PaÃs, Colombia "La reunión", El Comercio, Ecuador The New Indian Express (Chennai edition), India Anandabazar Patrika, India The Daily Gleaner, Jamaica "La reunión", El Informador, Mexico "Ã…terföreningen", Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden Boston Herald, USA The Citizens' Voice, USA Delaware County Daily Times, USA The Macomb Daily, USA Houston Chronicle, USA The News Item, USA Reading Eagle, USA Royal Oak Tribune, USA
How do you identify a replica Frew Phantom comic?Frew replica issue one and two are the hardest to identify. Replica issue three has a small R in the cufflink of Mister Hog. From replica issue four onwards the words "Replica Issue" generally next to the M on the Phantom title logo. The following has been sourced from If you want more information, we recommend looking there. Replica Issue One The most obvious difference between the original and replica is the colour of the Phantom's costume; it is very light purple in the original and a dark purple in the replica. The most reliable method is to turn the front cover and look at the inside title page. The original had a line of text at the bottom of the page which says "Printed by ROTARY COLORPRINT CO. PTY. LTD., 15 Hamilton St., Sydney, for the publishers, FREW PUBLICATIONS, 39 Martin Place, Sydney". This line is not present on the replica edition. Replica Issue Two The most immediately obvious difference between the original and replica is the colour of the Phantom's costume; it is very light purple in the original and a dark purple in the replica. The most certain method of identification owes to the fact that the cover image for the replica was enlarged by 3.8%. Therefore, a careful measurement of the height of the red region on the letter "P" of the title "Phantom" from the lowest point to the top (parallel to the spine) should give 116mm for the replica compared with 112mm for the original. Furthermore, the binding on the spine of the replica was positioned very close to the edge of the "P" so that only 1mm of the background is observable between the "P" and the spine. In comparison, the original cover shows 6mm of background to the left of the "P". Again, This information has been sourced from If you want more information, we recommend looking there. Some shops and eBay sellers have started selling the Replica Issues Frew have released from 2014 as single Frew issues. The easiest way to tell a replica from original is that Frew issues below #200 did not have staples.
Should I insure my Phantom comic collection?Phantom phan Peter Steven has put together a great insurance fact sheet for all Australian phans. A lot of phans unitentionally have started a collection that is worth insuring. It starts out as just buying the regular comic, then a hobby and then you get to the point that your hobby has become an collection and maybe even an investment. When you get to this point, read the insightful fact sheet from Peter and get your collection insured.
How do I store my Phantom comics and trading cards?Phantom phan Nick Moles has done a great video series on how to properly store your Phantom comics and trading cards.
Who are the Phantom's Wives?Unfortunately with Lee Falk not keeping records it is not a simple answer with several stories having contradicting wives from both the newspaper and Team Fantomen stories. For example, Lee Falk had both the first and second Phantoms marrying Christopher Columbus' granddaughter Marabella. The best solution is viewing each Phantom on the Phantom Wiki website and they will list all information on each Phantom, plus their adventuries and who they married. The Past Phantoms 1st • 2nd • 3rd • 4th • 5th • 6th • 7th • 8th • 9th • 10th • 11th • 12th • 13th • 14th • 15th • 16th • 17th • 18th • 19th • 20th • The Female Phantom The Future Phantoms 22nd • 23rd • 24th • 26th • 27th • 31st
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